No 70: I’ll Warn the Others
Other bat escapes capture and goes to warn Grizzledude, Dennis, and Lizard Wizard, but will he play into Lightning Knight’s plot to track down the dudes?
Other bat escapes capture and goes to warn Grizzledude, Dennis, and Lizard Wizard, but will he play into Lightning Knight’s plot to track down the dudes?
February 25, 2010 @ 9:24 pm
Would it be rude/weird to ask what your influences are? The style of the art and the writing just seems so familiar.
February 25, 2010 @ 10:17 pm
Not rude at all, thanks for asking. I read some of Scott Campbell’s Double Fine Action Comics after SPX last September and immediately after wanted to make a webcomic. So I did!
Artists that I really like (who may not be evident in my webcomic stuff but maybe my other work) are Moebius, Katsuya Terada, Juan Giminez, and Taiyo Matsumoto for starters. The silliness and character designs of the webcomic probably comes more from playing Earthbound for snes too much when I was younger. Shigesato Itoi is the man! I started playing Mother 3 and it’s great too.
A lot of people have mentioned seeing Brian Froud in my illustration work. I’m happy for that. Some friends have mentioned being reminded of the Dungeon comics by Sfar and Trondheim when they read my webcomic. I am also glad for that.
Here’s a link to some of my illustration work so you can see where I’m coming from: I guess I’m kind of all over the place style-wise and relating to what I like to do with my work, but I like variety so it’s cool.
February 26, 2010 @ 11:39 pm
I knew Doublefine was in there somewhere!
February 26, 2010 @ 8:43 am
This treachery will not stand